
About Pronto

Know more about us to make better building decisions

Founded in 1970, our Group has come a long way, building quality and innovative structures to enhance the way of living for our esteemed customers. Our credentials are testified by the National Award presented to us by the Government of India for producing quality products.

With state of the art manufacturing facilities, we believe in using our experiences and combining them with technical advances to ensure innovation stays at the centre of our manufactured products. With Pronto Panels, we have embarked on a technological revolution in the building material sector in India. The avant-garde technology enables us to manufacture tailored panels for walls and partitions with properties which are difficult to achieve using local materials, making us the leading producers of panels in India.

Pronto Customized Panels only for You!

The appearance and design of Pronto Panels are customized as per the unique specifications of the client and the site. From thickness and specification to facings option, everything is customized, making it a favorite building material for designer as well. Although, the panels are customized as per the site’s requirement and specifications, certain alterations may be required depending upon site complexity.

  • Innovation at your doorstep – technically advanced techniques to match needs
  • State of the art building solutions – modern building material alternative
  • Customization, aesthetics and strength – we bring you a lethal combination
  • Convenience in building construction is now just a click away
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