A modular or pre-fabricated house is one that is built in a factory with advanced plant and machinery. Factory built components of house or cabin are called panels. These panels are then transported to construction site and installed to form a strong single structural unit.Because modular homes are built indoors in factory setting, they can be completed in a matter of a few weeks, as opposed to months. They don’t see the typical on-site delays caused by weather, material suppliers and multi-agency labour issues. Pronto’s Modular houses follow specific rules, guidelines and building codes that often exceed those of traditional on-site homes in terms of strength and durability.A modular home is not a mobile home; it is simply a home that is built off-site as opposed to traditional on-site construction. Though, if desired, smaller units of these houses like Guard Room or Dog Houses can be moved as one piece or alternatively they can be dismantled and reassembled at new location.So next time, you need to construct anything, anywhere just call us and we will complete your construction superfast and hassle free.
Our modular house ranges from a single room with attach toilet to a full three bedroom house which are personalized for your specific application and design. These houses are complete with doors, windows, electrical and plumbing provisions and they can be erected within a very short time.
Light weight design and advanced insulation makes them indispensible for outdoor and roof-top applications. Smaller units are fully truss-free saving lot of time, cost and also makes them aesthetically pleasing.
Once erected at site, these houses form a structurally strong single unit and are permanent in nature. Though for temporary applications like site-office, these units can be erected with a special open-able joint system wherein these units can be dismantled and shipped to different location and installed again.
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